19 July 2011

NZ Move Back On The Agenda

We had almost finalised arrangements for our move to NZ, with a job lined up in Wellington and our preferred area for living reconnoitered. Unfortunately, I then found myself mobilised and in Afghanistan for 6 months. This was an incredible and exciting experience, but it meant that on my return to the UK in 2009 the job situation on NZ had completely changed with the credit crunch. NZ Immigration, quite correctly, declined our application to extend our visas so our dream of emigrating disappeared.

A couple of weeks ago we were sitting in a KFC (I know, but any port in a storm) with grey skies outside and surrounded by the establishments usual unhealthy looking clientèle and my wife turned to me and said - "I miss the cafes in New Zealand". We are now investigating option to emigrate but this time with my wife as the lead applicant, which does mean that she'll have to register as a Physiotherapist with the necessary authorities - a process more traumatic than the Immigration procedures!

Of course the other big change is a little boy in tow...

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